花蓮港口部落野味 te’nas 野廚陳耀忠



變採邊吃未免顯得忙碌,低頭一看,手中的採集罐空空如也,無法交差可不行,任性的找海女求援,不勞而獲幾顆貝殼,心滿意足歸隊入山,繼續學習阿美族港口部落的傳統醃漬,辣椒、海鹽、水,做成 te’nas 傳統沾醬,當然,不忘再偷吃幾顆貝殼。





#海人野廚 從豐濱的 #港口部落 拉開序幕,6月份曾經辦了一場實驗餐會,試營運的概念,8月連續三天就玩真的,野廚跟部落長老借了濱海梯田,在族人經常休息的水蜜桃海蝕洞旁,說是餐會,更像是一場文化實驗,部落和客人彼此理解的過程。

Do you remember your last visit at the beach? I mean … not the soft and cozy sandy beach but the wild and crazy rocky one. I had the chance visiting Hualien, Taiwan last Sunday to join a “back to the root” kind of project organized by local aboriginals.

We were led to the shore and being taught how to harvest from the sea. Oyster, my favorite was my target for sure. I learned from local woman and tried my best. Ah! The taste of the sea!

How would you picture tribe food? To be honest, i learned a little from history class but well …. really limited. I was given a cut of bamboo as my cup for the day and we used tree leave as plate for the bread. The other side of the shore, a local guy was boiling water to make it sea salt.

If you are hungry … go hunt your own food! For example to catch a fish! Put some salt and special plants on top of your harvest … hmmmm taste like heaven. The aboriginal doesn’t eat everything raw so by heating up rocks … we cooked seafood soup and vegetables. How amazing!

The aboriginal people honor mother land and nature. You eat what you harvest from the sea and the mountain. We were standing far from the shore witnessing how local people fishing. One at a time and no more than what you really need.

This is not just an event for outsiders to experience the daily life of the tribe but also an experiment for inner tribe young kids.

#海人野廚 #星級主廚宛點名 #welcometothetable
